Following my last article embracing all things primavera, it seems fitting to mention the powerful Pink Moon that is shining out tonight. The full moon will be visible in tomorrow's night sky (Tuesday 15th April) but is looking full 1-2 days either side too. Regretfully not pink in colour (how cool would that be), it gets it's name from a widespread spring flower and is the first full moon of springtime. By a lovely coincidence a total lunar eclipse is in action this very evening which may offer a rare smudge of scarlet flickering across our beloved heavenly body, known as the Blood Moon. Let me know if you catch it, I don't think we have much chance in East London. 

Every full moon in the year has a traditional name, varying across cultures and countries, but often referring to seasons, the land, farming and animals; dating back to when human beings lived far more in tune with nature than our daily grind and technological filled life now allows.  Many moon names are actually the root of phrases commonly used today, ever thought about the origin of the Honey Moon? Anyway... that's another story entirely - one that will be featuring in a Lamplighter collaboration later this year. More on that soon!

On the subject of moons, I recently submitted a design to a new charity company called We Smile High, and their entire reason for being is to raise money for charity and generally spread positivity. Got to love these guys! By good fortune my piece was selected and is now nearly sold out from a limited edition run of 20 prints. 100% of the profits are donated to a charity, and this month sees all funds going to Meningitis Now. You can see my print here.

Never stop looking up, and tonight you have no excuse. 

C x