Hello there.

Thank you for coming to see what we're about. In my first ever post, on my brand new website, I'd like to welcome you to the blog of Lamplighter London, a boutique invitation and calligraphy studio. Based in Hackney, East London, we are creators of bespoke and customised artwork for events. We draw, write, computer-make and are passionate about building unique items to make your wedding or event extra special and beautiful. We're also huge fans of the universe, crystals and nature, which may come across (just) a little in the blog. 

Lamplighter London, bespoke invitations & modern calligraphy

Every other Thursday, you can expect a weekly reflection on my latest inspiration, or a peek into what's going on in the studio; and alongside this, I'll be showcasing Lamplighter London's monthly, on-trend picks, with images sourced from my favourite selection of wedding and event stylists, designers, fashion beauties, and occasionaly dipping into holistic health and astrology. Later in the year, I'll also be interviewing some fantastic industry experts, which I hope we can all learn from and I know you will be super inspired.  2014 will also see the very exciting launch of our online boutique, which will be offering a curated selection of beautiful home and event wares. Here's to a wonderful year, filled with style, stars and stationery. 

Thanks for reading, and I hope you'll join us on the journey. 

Chiara x

- Lamplighter London founder

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